Why It’s So Hard to Write About Yourself or Your Business (and How PR Teams Help) Nearly everyone we talk with tells us about the amazing things happening at their company. Sometimes these stories detail how they are giving back to the community, helping employees excel...

Public Relations Firm Announces ‘Back to School Charity Adoption’ Contest to Help Charities in Need Nonprofit organizations are the ones making an extra special difference in the lives of many, whether it’s ensuring home-bound senior citizens have enough food to eat, or women are protected in...

A nonprofit look at implementing public relations Beth is an Executive Director of a thriving nonprofit. She first served in the corporate environment and then nonprofit arena for the latter part of her career. She's driven by the mission of her organization and is passionate, but...

Click on the websites of credit unions across the country or flip through any industry publication and you’ll see that it has been a busy year. With membership drives, the launch of new digital platforms, communication initiatives, philanthropic efforts and yes, a bit of behind-the-scenes...

Let’s face it, businesses aren’t doing things to benefit the community just to get recognition (or so they shouldn’t be). But doesn’t it help to know that an organization’s continuous support for the community can be recognized, even applauded, so that more people are inspired...