You’ve got a great story idea, and expect that most of your media targets would be interested. You’ve put all the pieces together and feel confident in the story idea your organization has. You have your team assigned for pitching and are awaiting their feedback...

In the last number of years, we have experienced a drastic shift from more traditional marketing methods to an integrated marketing approach. Marketing is more personal, personalized, authentic and custom than ever before. An essential aspect of the new form of marketing is Public Relations....

There are numerous aspects of PR, but one of the most critical tools is media relations or otherwise known as news interviews. Securing and executing a news interview is a delicate undergoing. After all, a lot is riding on what and how you present. If...

When it comes to building your company’s visibility and credibility, media coverage can be an extremely valuable, effective and efficient way to accomplish this. But, if mishandled, a media interview can cause significant damage to the company’s brand, services, and reputation. Company leaders must be...

  Building an impactful and sustainable program – what you need to know Most organizational leaders dream about a way they can give back in a truly impactful way. They think about the effort involved, the planning, the causes to support, ways they can accomplish their goals...

7 Exciting PR Habits to Incorporate to Grow Your Business the Right Way If you own a small business, it's high time to think about public relations (PR). Public relations is a vital part of the marketing process, often far more cost-efficient than traditional advertising...

In today's highly competitive marketplace, media relations can deliver benefits unrivaled by any other marketing communication activity. Media interviews are a targeted way to reach a mass audience. When appropriately executed, media relations can help your company succeed by building brand awareness, increasing credibility, establishing strong...

How Getting Interviewed on TV Can Blow Up Your Business (in a good way) Being featured as an expert on television might sound like it’s a difficult thing to do. You may be asking, how can I be interviewed on TV? How can I be interviewed...