So, it finally happened. That once-in-a-lifetime, blue-moon chance: your target celebrity has highlighted your organization on social media. Now what? Surprisingly, there aren’t many resources available to guide you through this golden moment—so we created one. When a celebrity or person of importance shines a...

Navigating Perfectionism Paralysis in MarComms: Tips for Effective Results In the world of marketing and communications (MarComms), the pursuit of perfection can be both a strength and a hindrance. While aiming for high standards is undoubtedly valuable, an obsession with flawless execution often leads to what...

Media relations is a high-stakes game where even the slightest mistake can snowball into a memorable blunder. Here are some funny, crazy, and cringeworthy mistakes made by public relations professionals when booking or handling interviews. Hey, we all make mistakes and so why not learn...

As with every other industry in the world, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape in public relations. Technology continues to evolve and shows no signs of slowing down. However, there are a lot of misconceptions, unknowns and even fears regarding AI and its impact...

It's that time of the year again when social media is flooded with messages of empowerment, hashtags advocating for International Women’s Day and brands rushing to join the conversation. On March 8th, this day is dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women. However, amidst the...