Hello, fellow CSR enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s as tricky as it is crucial: knowing when your CSR efforts are newsworthy, and when they might just quietly do their thing without making headlines. Yep, we’re talking about striking that perfect balance between...

So, picture this: You've scored a big interview with a news outlet. You're prepped, you're polished, and you're ready to impress. But then you remember your cluttered living room or your less-than-professional office space. Cue the panic. Enter the Zoom background option - a tempting...

By Bethany Rhodes If you’re struggling to get media to cover an important or exciting event(s) or a story, don’t assume it was the way you pitched it. Even some of the best PR pros have no-shows and we all know earned media is never guaranteed....

By Jenna Soules TikTok’s dynamics have been a topic of controversy, sparking outrage and political division across the nation, but those even who wish to remain impartial face rising concerns about their business accounts and marketing efforts on this platform. Recent events have sent shockwaves through...

As with every other industry in the world, artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape in public relations. Technology continues to evolve and shows no signs of slowing down. However, there are a lot of misconceptions, unknowns and even fears regarding AI and its impact...

It's that time of the year again when social media is flooded with messages of empowerment, hashtags advocating for International Women’s Day and brands rushing to join the conversation. On March 8th, this day is dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women. However, amidst the...

  In business, we often think in terms of Key Performance Indicators. Revenue growth, profitability over time and income sources and stability are but a few of these. Companies track KPIs to ensure the overall health and success of the business. In a similar fashion, public...

Why It’s So Hard to Write About Yourself or Your Business (and How PR Teams Help) Nearly everyone we talk with tells us about the amazing things happening at their company. Sometimes these stories detail how they are giving back to the community, helping employees excel...