05 Aug Top Seven Changes On How Social Media Platforms Are Being Used Now
In case you’ve missed it, we’re living in the age of social media and it’s not going away. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has led to more people of all ages and backgrounds adapting to this digital lifestyle as a means to stay connected, and they want even more significant and meaningful social media content than previously before.
Let’s explore just how social media has changed since the pandemic and how your organization can adapt to these changes here:
- More Authentic Content
Since the pandemic started, it’s been more meaningful to see the human side of brands. Influencers and brand messaging are showing more heart-felt images and content, and a more authentic tone of voice. For example, car dealerships were posting about how they were giving back to their communities and how their vehicles offered stability during unstable times versus their typical incentives and promotions.
- Greater Resource Sharing
Many companies have also altered their messaging to align with what’s going on in the world and provide more resources at the same time. That means we’re finding greater resources from everything like activities for kids, online classes, fitness opportunities, concerts and more. The organizations that provide resources now will likely develop an impression and relationship with their audiences that will not be forgotten once things return to normal.
- Real-time posting
At the beginning of the pandemic, organizations and marketers were forced to rip up any pre-scheduled posts they had planned. That’s because posts had commentary about having exciting plans for the weekend, attending concerts or sporting events, or major gatherings that were quickly off-limits.
Best practices were for businesses to schedule posts one-month ahead. That’s because things are changing day-to-day. Businesses also did not want to inadvertently offend or cause a blunder by having a post that simply doesn’t make sense or is insensitive because of some new development.
- Fundraising
Despite the economic uncertainty the pandemic has delivered, fundraising for those in need has ramped up and been hugely successful. People genuinely want to help others and are coming together in beautiful ways. Companies are using their social media platforms to raise funds for those in need in new ways.
- Taking a Stance
Organizations are using social media to take a stance on relevant topics, especially as they’re not as able to do so as much in person. Having such important messaging over social media is a fantastic way for organizations to make a difference in the awareness of critical topics and events.
- New Norm and Tele-Options
Social media has been singlehandedly one of the most effective and fastest ways to notify audiences of the organization’s new requirements and precautions. Companies immediately turned to social to educate about their safety measures, new policies and availability of new services as a result of the pandemic. For example, medical practices were increasingly communicating about TeleHealth and gyms were showcasing new virtual workout options.
- Increased Connectivity
Social media offered audiences a greater way to come together when they couldn’t physically do so. Facebook rooms, group chats, virtual social media based events like concerts had a huge uptick in popularity post COVID. Many brands are doing more ‘Lives’ where they discuss relevant items about their brand more than ever before.
How Marketers Can Adapt Their Digital Strategies
We’ve explored the top ways social media has changed over the past few months. Now, what will your organization do about the changes? Brands will want to embrace the communal side of social media during and after the crisis. This means social media posts will have to be user-centric instead of producer-centric. Companies that will be able to provide messages and start conversations that are considered valuable and provide relevant advice, helpful information, or that simply make people laugh, will come out of the crisis even better.
The COVID crisis will make a lasting impact in the world, and social media marketing has to adapt accordingly. Even though measures are starting to lift, people’s lives will still be very different than before. Masks, social distancing, and other protective efforts will still be a big part of our lives, and the way companies market themselves must reflect that. But social media will be the main marketing strategy to thrive in the post-COVID world.
If you would like to learn more about social media marketing trends in 2020 or what your organization can be doing, go to our blog page. If you would like a free consultation with NSPR, call us at (813) 865-3093.
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