11 Jan How Genuine News Interviews Affect Your Bottom Line
There are numerous aspects of PR, but one of the most critical tools is media relations or otherwise known as news interviews. Securing and executing a news interview is a delicate undergoing. After all, a lot is riding on what and how you present. If a news interview is done right, it can serve as tremendous leverage that brings increased value to your business. We will look at how you should approach a news interview and how it can affect your bottom line.
What is a News Interview?
News Interviews are conversations with journalists in which you are acting as a representative of your company. While interviews used to be face-to-face meetings, they now come in numerous forms like phone and video calls. Regardless of how an interview is done, it is best to put your best foot forward when representing your business. These are some tips you can apply to show your sincerity and professionalism.
How to Appear Genuine in an Interview
• Be prepared – No matter how well you know a topic, it is essential to have some framework or structure to rely on. Prepare and practice to show how you’re a real expert in your field.
• Know why you are being interviewed – This might sound obvious, but it is crucial to do. Understand that the interview has a purpose (think of the media outlet’s purpose first). Stick to answering the right questions and try not to go off-topic.
• Make a list of key points – Make a list of at least three points you have to touch upon during the interview. Keep your comments positive, engaging, and relevant to the questions asked.
• Avoid jargon – Remember that you are talking to the public at large. Many of them might not be familiar with the terms that regularly come up in your line of work. Use words and phrases that are accessible and understandable to everyone watching.
• Be prepared for an off-the-cuff question – Interviewees do a lot of research, so you are likely to get asked some additional questions designed to add value to the story. Use your expertise and answer the questions to the best of your ability.
• Be concise but answer questions more than a yes or no – Interviews are more effective if the information provided is to-the-point. Avoid going too much into detail unless you are specifically asked to expand on something.
How An Interview Can Affect Your Finances
If you do everything right and people see your genuine interest in your field, you will positively impact your bottom line. These include:
Public Awareness
A good interview will help raise awareness of your company. This paves the way for future sales. The more media coverage you generate, the more credibility and awareness you build for your company.
Networking and Business Connections
You can spend hours reaching out to businesses and customers with little-to-no success. However, a good interview can reverse things and make people reach out to you! Customers can view you as a credible source of information, and businesses can show interest in partnering or working with you.
Build a Reputation
A good news interview will establish you and your business as credible and trustworthy sources of information. This helps set you apart from the thousands of other businesses looking to acquire customers.
Content Marketing
The great thing about interviews in the modern world is that they are not limited to a certain time. They can be re-used for digital marketing purposes. News interviews are a great source of content for social media, backlinks to your website and greater search engine optimization. A lot of posts and articles can come out of news interviews. If marketed correctly, these posts can bring in more business.
Organizational Motivation
A good interview can raise morale internally. Give people that are working with you a reason to get inspired. If you can spread your message well, then people who work with you can embrace your motives and give their all to the company.
If you would like to learn more about media interviews, go to our blog page. If you would like a free consultation with NSPR, call us at (813) 865-3093.
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