04 Feb Turning clicks into cash: social media that actually works for your business
In 2019, especially for Millennials, it may seem a bit odd to talk about the struggles some businesses have with getting their content to stand out on social media and work for them. Is your organization finding difficulty with social media, tone of voice, what to post, and when?
Today, many businesses grapple with creating content that helps them with brand recognition and ultimately sales. Most businesses are on social media for the ultimate goal of increasing awareness and therefore revenue (not just because social media is fun!). Remember: content only serves its purpose if it reaches the right people and those people like, share, and engage. And sales can only result if your audience is connecting and getting the right messages.
Finding your social media market. If you don’t already know who your social media audience is, there are simple ways to research this and come up with a stellar business-driving plan. The social media channels you use are your best allies. Search for the hashtags that suit your business. Also, check out where your clients or potential clients are on social media. See what platforms they’re using.
Another tip, you don’t need a social media profile in every single platform. When you research your audience, you will also find what social media fits best. Remember, no social media is a ‘one size fits all.’ You may find that if your audience is more B2B, for example, where Instagram might not be the most fruitful place to put all your efforts. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are shown to have higher audiences of business groups, organizations and executives. If you’re reaching out to the general public, you may want to really get involved with Instagram and Facebook, and master their platforms.
Take a few moments to jot down your market ‘persona’ with notes on which platforms they’re using, popular hashtags, what they’re liking and engaging with, their age range, hobbies, interests, career status, and more.
Content that connects. Now that you have narrowed your audience, you should have a complete understanding of what they like, what they aspire to, and where they find it. You need to start creating content that fits those likes and aspirations.
As there is no ‘one size fits all’ social media platform, there’s not a perfect formula for content creation. People sometimes react to content in unpredictable ways, but there’s one thing for sure: nearly everyone likes a personal story. And not just that, but your personal story needs to be accompanied by the perfect visual to really make the right impact.
Telling a compelling story without the perfect image prevents the highest potential reach of your message. Not sure how to find the right image? There are free tools such as Canva, Unsplash, or ShutterStock (and many more). Check out some images and also free online editing tools to create the perfect eye-catching complement to your messaging.
Sales as a result, but not as the vehicle. Another note about content is to never be too promotional with your organization’s posts. Understanding the ultimate goal is to turn your social media channels into buying behavior for your audience is key; however, by allowing your content to connect and engage by using a variety of messages, rather than just sales, will be the right mixture of communicating.
Interacting as a two-way street. Also, leverage on-trends, look for influencers that can carry your message, and always engage. Social media is a two-way street.
Sharing and liking content of others helps you build a better culture of engagement. Would you expect someone to like and share your content if you are not doing the same? Mastering the art of learning and engaging with your market’s best influencers will prove to be an excellent resource in further expanding the reach of your messaging; and the potential then for that audience to do business with your company.
Getting in real-time. Another way to transform your social media into a buying machine is to create content in real-time. Become the master of ‘Going Live’ with your channels, having content that shares what your organization is doing at the moment (such as sharing posts as Stories), all while having some spontaneity. Facebook Live, for example, has a higher view rate because of its built-in notification system which alerts many on-line users as to when a profile is ‘Live’. This alone peaks curiosity and enhances the number of views and engagement simply by utilizing this feature.
If you are having trouble making social media work for you, we can help you analyze your program, and strategically plan your next moves. Call on the communications professionals that can help you reach your goals.
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